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Lino Russo
Lino Russo
Development of a brand positioning and identification system for Lino Russo company included in Promargo Agro Holding
Actually, there are 15−20 factories of flax producers. Almost all of them are in unsatisfactory condition. The new modern Russian flax factory promises to be a growth point for the entire industry. In addition, the enterprise will be able to satisfy the country’s export ambitions — Russia, as a supplier, will return again to the global flax retted straw market, having provided the raw materials inquiries of the main manufacturers of textile products — India and China.
Nowadays, the flax industry in Russia is in decline.
Market context
For China, direct or indirect state support of the enterprise is a serious plus; this emphasizes the company’s stability and reliability. As for India, the development of the textile industry is one of the key state tasks. The emphasis on the advantages that the company gives the industry will be a positive marker for the brand in this market.
Target Markets Features
The countries of the Asian region are carriers of their own mentality, which is seriously different from the European one. In the course of the research conducted by the agency, in particular, two important patterns of perception were identified, which were necessary to consider when building a brand.
На основании изучения рыночной ситуации, а также идентичности компании Русский лен было сформулировано позиционирование бренда.
and orientation towards the development of the textile industry (plus for the Indian market). Lino Russo is a renovator of the Russian textile industry creating a new milestone, a new canvas of history for the segment, the country, and the whole world.
The key message successfully works at all levels of communication. For the internal audience, it emphasizes the creative principle, working for the benefit of the country in general and industry in particular. For the external, it focuses on the scale of the brand, the availability of state support (plus for the Chinese market)
Based on the study of the market situation, as well as the Lino Russo company’s identity, brand positioning was formulated.
Ключевой месседж успешно работает на всех уровнях коммуникации. Для внутренней аудитории он подчеркивает созидательное начало, работу на благо страны вообще и отрасли в частности. Для внешней —акцентирует внимание на масштабе бренда, наличии государственной поддержки (плюс для китайского рынка) и ориентацию на развитие текстильной отрасли (плюс для индийского рынка).
Русский лен — это реноватор текстильной отрасли России, создающий новую веху, новое полотно истории для сегмента, страны и всего мира.
The mark of "flax flower" is "composed" of them. Thanks to the shape of the petals, which seem to be trembling in the wind, liveliness of the image, freedom, openness to the world are sensifyed. Laconic writing balances the image, adds restraint and calm to the logo.
Метаморфозы как глобальный вектор движения марки. Мир можно изменить.
Flax is the primary graphic image of brand identity.
A brand that weaves the country’s flax industry receives such a brand identity as if it is woven from flax.
The company pattern of the company is also "woven" from thin threads — the picture of endless landscapes of fields extending to the horizon.
balance between the clarity of the metaphors enclosed in it and the restraint of the corporate brand representing the country’s public interests in the international scene.
Айдентика марки находится в удачном балансе между понятностью вложенных в нее метафор и сдержанностью корпоративного бренда, представляющего государственные интересы страны на международной арене.