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Design for a new Activia +Super Food line of yogurts

The Activia brand successfully keeps its stable loyal base, but the younger target audience perceives Activia as a very serious, functional and "adult" brand.
Activia +Super Food is a yogurt + prebiotic, enhanced by a high concentration of seeds and unique combinations of natural juicy fruits.
In the packaging design, it was decided to focus on the large and "tasty" image of the ingredient zone in order to emphasize the superusefulness and supertaste of the product, its unique composition and rich structure.
We have kept a complete green block in the design, which allows to simplify a consumer navigation in the store and differentiate from competitors.
We rejuvenated and refreshed the brand by combining its key features that consumers know and love with modern, fresh youth trends.
The composition of the product is shown as circle segments with images of the ingredients. Such a concise and specific approach to the design of the ingredient zone in the style of infographics, quite "expert" and at the same time fresh, emphasizes the idea of "rejuvenating" the brand.
Other consumer branding projects
Creation a product that moves with the times for the main audience and object of desire for a younger group of consumers of generation Z and millennials
Making a packaging standing out from a common communications clatter and gain consumer loyalty in the household segment
Packaging redesign of cutlets
Other consumer branding projects
Creation a product that moves with the times for the main audience and object of desire for a younger group of consumers of generation Z and millennials
Making a packaging standing out from a common communications clatter and gain consumer loyalty in the household segment
Packaging redesign of cutlets